The Exhibition on the First Floor of the Presidential Office From Governor-General’s Office to Presidential Office賣家強檔

The Exhibition on the First Floor of the Presidential Office From Governor-General’s Office to Presidential Office賣家強檔,總而言之它的評價很高真的不錯

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The Exhibition on the First Floor of the Presidential Office From Governor-General’s Office to Presidential Office賣家強檔 開箱文 博客來網路書店

內容簡介: How did Taiwan become a Japanese colony? And how did it then become the territory of the Republ博客來網路書店ic of China? Here, we will look at the Treaty of Shimonoseki of 1895 and the actions of the governors-general of Taiwan during the 50 years of Japanese rule. These key historical materials provide an overview of Japan’s plans for southward advancement and the profound influence this period has had on Taiwan even to the present day. Following the end of World War II, the Republic of China demanded the return of Taiwan from Japan, which it received with some difficulty, thus establishing Taiwan’s position in international law.(臺灣是如何成為日本的殖民地?又如何轉成為中華民國的領土?本圖錄將介紹臺灣成為日本殖民地的前因及歷程,我們可看到馬關條約的內博客來書店文、1895~1945臺灣大事,以及從總督府轉成總統府的過程。而二次大戰後,中華民國要求戰敗國日本歸還臺灣,這中間的折衝與過程雖然複雜,但在國際法上則確立了臺灣的定位,中日和約將忠實呈現。 )


The Exhibition on the First Floor of the Presidential Office From Governor-General’s Office to Presidential Office賣家強檔 好書推薦 博客來網路書店

  • 出版社:國史館    新功能介紹
  • 出版日期:2010/04/01
  • 語言:英文

The Exhibition on the First Floor of the Presidential Office From Governor-General’s Office to Presidential Office賣家強檔 評比 博客來網路書局

The Exhibition on the First Floor of the Presidential Office From Governor-General’s Office to Presidential Office賣家強檔

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The Exhibition on the First Floor of the Presidential Office From Governor-General’s Office to Presidential Office賣家強檔
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The Exhibition on the First Floor of the Presidential Office From Governor-General’s Office to Presidential Office賣家強檔


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